Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I'm not usually one to write letters to the editor, but I felt the need to express my contempt for this editorial about the fallout from the Danish political cartoons from today's Post-Standard. Here's the text of my letter:

Your editorial addressing the furor over the Danish political cartoons was severely misguided. The European newspapers that printed these cartoons were not attempting to inflame extremism, as you have suggested. They were attempting to make a statement about efforts on the part of Islamic fundamentalists to force European societies into forsaking freedoms that are incompatible with their fundamentalist world view. As the rioters have shown us, freedom of expression and freedom of conscience, values that are essential to modern democratic societies, have no place in their world. To suggest that anyone should have to forsake or even temper these freedoms in order to appease radical fundamentalists is both irresponsible and dangerous.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

They printed my letter (with some edits) today.